Fast Light Spring 2022 News!

Fast Light Spring 2022 News!

Hello Everyone, 

Just a quick update & check-in!

We hope that you were able to get outside this winter and appreciate the snow, the lakes, the rivers, all of it. No more shovels or snow tires for a while and we're grateful for the seasons change across our beautiful Canadian landscape.

As much as we love winter a break in the action is always welcome. Team Fast Light has had a busy spring. We're upgrading equipment, researching new products, we built a new website that will launch June 2022 and we're really looking forward to a solid camping season this year! 

In April the team packed up our trucks loaded with product and headed over to the 2022 Spring Cottage Life Show held @ the International Centre in Toronto April 7-10 and we couldn't have been happier with the reception we received from our clients, hosts and fellow vendors.

We enjoyed speaking with you and we appreciate every minute of the time that you gave us to plead our case and explain to you why we think Fast Light Fire Starters are the best in class but more importantly how these products can help make your life safer and easier!

Summer 2022 is fast approaching and the team has a bunch of irons in the fire. Almost every weekend is booked. Trailers & RV's will be on the road most of the summer. We also have a few trips to the cottage planned as well and we look forward to getting out there in the bush and on the boats.

We hope that you have had an amazing spring and that you're looking forward to a safe and busy summer 2022! 

We'll catch up again soon with product updates and don't forget to check out the new recipe section of the site to take advantage of some seriously amazing open fire recipes!

-Team Fast Light



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